Всего: 12 Новых за месяц: 0 Новых за неделю: 0 Новых вчера: 0 Новых сегодня: 0 Пользователей 10 Проверенных: 0 Модераторов: 0 Админов: 2 Парней: 11 Девушек: 1
Our online shop offers the opportunity to buy special products from the Gather-Network for an interesting price.
All our products can be paid with the money from your GN virtual bank account, this allow you to use the money that you earn from our competitions to buy items that you like. You can also charge your virtual bank account by phone, paypal or bank transfer (see virtual bank account for more informations).
The product list may vary time to time, and we try to expend it the most we can.
Note that the list is temporary very short, but the gameservers, GN clothings and other bouncer offers will be added very soon.